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4th - 5th Grades and Middle School

Free Programs We Offer for Middle Schoolers and Older:


Second Step (Middle School)
This program is available to middle school students. Students will explore essential social-emotional skills through a curriculum designed to promote empathy, emotion management, and problem-solving. The program includes interactive lessons and activities that help students navigate the challenges of adolescence and build strong, positive relationships. This program is available in person.


Social Media and Internet Safety (Middle School and High School)
In this program geared toward 8th graders and above, students will learn the dangers of the Internet and how to best protect themselves.  Students will also discuss Social Media platforms and how to protect their privacy.  This program is available in person.


Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention (Middle School and High School)
This program is available to students in the 6th grade and above.  Students will learn what Shaken Baby Syndrome is and how to prevent it from happening to infants that might be in their care.  Students will also see an in-person demonstration with a baby simulator.  The simulator helps students visually identify how dangerous SBS is and the injuries it can cause.  This program is available in person and in a virtual format


SIDS and Safe Infant Sleeping (Middle School and High School)

In this class, students will learn what Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is and the statistics surrounding it.  Additionally, students will learn the proper and safest sleep practices for infants and babies, in an effort to keep them safe.  This in-person class is available to students in the 6th grade and above.



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